
how to add more modifiers in tinkers construct 1.12.2

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  • 1 Modifier Types
    • 1.1 Additional Modifiers
    • 1.2 Haste
    • 1.3 Luck
    • 1.4 Sharp
    • 1.5 Diamond
    • 1.6 Emerald
    • 1.7 Fortified
    • 1.8 Silktouch
    • 1.9 Reinforced
    • 1.10 Beheading
    • 1.11 Smite
    • 1.12 Bane Of Arthropods
    • 1.13 Fiery
    • 1.14 Necrotic
    • 1.15 Knockback
    • 1.16 Soulbound
    • 1.17 Height++
    • 1.18 Width++
    • 1.19 Mending Moss
    • 1.20 Blasting
    • 1.21 Glowing
    • 1.22 Shulking
    • 1.23 Webbed
    • 1.24 Writable
    • 1.25 Fins
    • 1.26 Embossment
  • 2 Non-Tinker's Construct Modifiers
    • 2.1 Direct (EnderIO)
    • 2.2 Amelioration (Tinkers' Addons)
  • 3 Trivia

All Tinker's Construct tools can be modified to allow for certain upgrades. They are listed below (and in the Materials and You book you receive in-game). Applying any of the below modifiers takes up one modifier slot, for which most tools have a default of three maximum.

Modifier Types

Additional Modifiers

Paper has the Material Trait Writable, increasing the number of modifiers the tool has, the trade-off is low stats. You can add this to any tool with Embossment

Moreover, with Tinkers' Tool Leveling mod, leveling tools is the best way to add additional modifiers. By using your tool in their intended manners, your tools will gain Experience points. A weapon will gain an amount of points based on the damage done while a tool such as a pickaxe or shovel will go up by one point per block broken. Every time your tools leveled up, they will have one additional modifier.

Currently, there is no limit of tool's level unless you place one in the mod's config file. Further tool's levels are currently capped at 32-integer limit.

Level Title XP for Next Level Cumulative XP Needed
1 Clumsy 500 0


1,000 1,500
3 Accustomed 2,000 3,500
4 Adept 4,000 7,500
5 Expert 8,000 15,500
6 Master 16,000 31,500
7 Grandmaster 32,000 63,500
8 Heroic 64,000 127,500
9 Legendary 128,000 255,500
10 Godlike 256,000 511,500
11 Awesome 512,000 1,023,500
12 Like new+ 1,024,000 2,047,500
13 Clumsy+ 2,048,000 4,095,500
14+ etc...

In creative, there is an item called Creative Modifier, which can add modifiers to your tools without limit. You can apply many stacks of Creative Modifier at once.


" Weeeeeee!
The redstone impulse when using your tool motivates your tool to move even faster.
Booktext: Adding redstone to a tool seems to increase its speed. Redstone. Crazy stuff, amirite?


  • Each redstone dust increases mining speed by a small amount
  • Increases melee attack speed and bow draw speed
  • Multiple levels

Levels: Each level costs one modifier

  • Haste - 1 to 50 Redstone Cost
  • Haster - 51 to 100 Redstone Cost
  • Hastest - 101 to 150 Redstone Cost
  • Hastester - 151 to 200 Redstone Cost
  • Hastestest - 201 to 250 Redstone Cost


" Shiny!
You're getting all the nice things. And a lot of them.

Booktext: Encrusting lapis on tools is a gift to the gods of luck. They will bless your tool with great fortune and loot.


  • Adds fortune or looting
  • Tool use has a chance to increase the luck
  • Adding more lapis only uses one modifier
  • Not compatible with Silky


  • Luck I - 60 Lapis Cost: ×2 drops
  • Luck II - 180 Lapis Cost: ×3 drops
  • Luck III - 360 Lapis Cost: ×4 drops


" Ouch!
So sharp, it hurts to look at it.

Booktext: You can use Quartz to sharpen and hone the edge of weapons. The more Quartz is used the better you can sharpen the blade. Works with blunt items as well.

  • Increases attack damage
  • Different weapons scale differently
  • Multiple levels
Levels: Each Nether Quartz adds additional attack damage, each level costs one modifier:
  • Sharp - 1 to 72 Nether Quartz Cost
  • Sharper - 73 to 144 Nether Quartz Cost
  • Sharpest - 145 to 216 Nether Quartz Cost
  • Sharpester - 217 to 288 Nether Quartz Cost
  • Sharpestest - 289 to 360 Nether Quartz Cost


" Shiny!
Increased durability!

Booktext: Adding a diamond to the edge of a tool makes it more resilient and increases what the tool can mine. Also makes a fetching fashion statement.


  • Extra durability
  • Minor stat increase
  • Mining level increased to Obsidian
  • Single use
  • Fabulous!


" Fancy!
Increases durability depending on base stats!

Booktext: Affixing an emerald to a tool's weakest point makes it especially resilient and fabulous. Villagers may also covet your tool, be wary.

  • 50% durability increase
  • Mining level increased to Iron
  • Single use
  • Outrageous!


" Harder, better, faster, stronger!
Mining level increased to the same level as <ᴍᴀᴛᴇʀɪᴀʟ>

Booktext: Harder, better, faster, stronger! Applies the same mining level of the material used to the tool.


  • Increases Mining Level
  • Mining Level depends on material used
  • Can also downgrade level
  • Requires no modifier
  • Best applies for Pickaxe.
  • Sharpening Kit can apply to any Tools, which mean it can be modified to your weapons. However, it's kind of useless because weapons don't technically need Mining Speed.


" Smooth as silk!
Mined blocks drop themselves instead of usual items.

Booktext: Adding a large glob of gold and a bunch of string seems to give the tool silky-smooth properties.


  • Allows blocks to be harvested directly
  • Not compatible with Luck or Autosmelt
  • Single use
  • Well applies to Pickaxe and Hammer.
  • Still applicable for Weapons but not much useful.


" So strong! Each level adds a 20% chance to not use durability. "

Booktext: Adding an obsidian plate to the tool seems to help with its durability, making it stronger.


  • Adds a chance to not consume durability
  • Stacks with previous levels of Reinforced
  • Multiple levels


  • Each reinforcement adds a 20% chance to not use durability, meaning a level 5 Reinforced tool will be unbreakable.
  • Reinforced level five makes the tool unbreakable and is the maximum level. This includes shurikens having unlimited ammo.


" Off with his head!
Each level adds a 10% chance to get the enemy's head on kill.

Booktext: Working an ender pearl and some obsidian on a weapon has the curious effect of separating the target's head from its body. Just a little off the top?


  • Enemies drop their heads
  • Adding more Obsidian and Ender Pearls increases the chance of decapitation
  • Multiple levels
  • Cleavers come with beheading II


  • Each level is on average 10% more effective than the previous level.


  • Well applies for weaponry.
  • Still applicable for Tools but not quite effectively due to theirs medium-low attack damage.


" For Justice!
Deal massive damage to undead.

Booktext: The raw power of consecrated soil empowers your weapon, smiting enemies from on high.


  • Deals massive damage to undead enemies
  • Multiple levels


  • Each consecrated soil adds more undead damage
  • Each level costs one modifier
  • Five levels total
  • Each level has a maximum of an additional 7 HP taken away from undead enemies
  • Twenty-four consecrated soil is the cost for a higher level of smite


  • Well applies for weaponry.
  • Still applicable for Tools but not quite effectively due to their medium-low attack damage.

Bane Of Arthropods

" Anti-Spider!
Deal massive damage to spiders.

Booktext: Striking a spider with its own eyeball causes it to recoil in fear. Got a pest problem? Here is the solution. Kills bugs dead.


  • Deals massive damage to spiders and silverfish
  • Multiple levels
  • Each spider eye adds additional arthropod damage
  • Each level costs one modifier
  • Each level costs twenty-four fermented spider eyes and gives a maximum of 7 added arthropod damage
  • Five total levels


  • Well applies for weaponry.
  • Still applicable for Tools but not quite effectively due to theirs medium-low attack damage.


" So hot right now!
Bonus fire damage, sets your enemies on fire.

Booktext: Adding blaze powder to a tool gives it a fiery tinge. The weapon's edges look like embers. Sadly not bright enough to be a light source.

  • Sets enemies on fire
  • Deals additional fire damage on hit
  • Multiple levels
  • Each additional blaze powder adds either .06 or .07 to the additional fire damage, which starts at .07 damage and has a maximum of 1.67 fire damage.
  • Fire duration starts from one second at the lowest level and at the highest level lasts 4 seconds. Each additional second requires 8 blaze powder to be added.
  • Maximum level is twenty-five blaze powder.


  • Can effectively applies for any tools.
  • Best applies to weaponry.


" I feel so Alive!
Hitting enemies returns health to you depending on damage dealt.

Booktext: Placing the bone of a Wither Skeleton on a tool gives it nefarious life-stealing powers.

  • Heal when dealing damage
  • Add more bones to increase the heal
  • Multiple levels
  • Each level of necrotic adds an additional 10% life steal


  • Well applies for weaponry.
  • Still applicable for Tools but not quite effectively due to their medium-low attack damage.


" Homerun!
Teach things how to fly - the cool way.

Booktext: Attaching a piston to the tool and activating it at the right time seems to throw mobs further away.

  • Adds extra knockback
  • Each piston increases the knockback distance
  • The maximum level is 99
  • Each level adds an additional average knockback distance of 2
  • Each knockback level takes one modifier and costs 10 pistons (except first level)
  • The maximum level for knockback is 99


" A merry couple!
You love your tool. Not even death can part you.

Booktext: A perfect match. You love your tool. Not even death can part you from it.

  • Tool remains in your inventory after death
  • Single use
  • Does NOT require a modifier


" Expand!
Increases the height of the area affected by your tool. The effect is tool specific

Booktext: Have you ever wished your tool could affect a higher area? Now it can!

  • Increases the height of the area affected
  • Only affects blocks
  • Does not work for weapons
  • Can be combined with Width++


  • Only applies once.


" Expand!
Increases the width of the area affected by your tool. The effect is tool specific

Booktext: Have you ever wished your tool could affect a wide area? Now it can!

  • Increases the height of the area affected
  • Only affects blocks
  • Does not work for weapons
  • Can be combined with Height++


  • Only applies once.

Mending Moss

" It's alive
Picked up XP is stored in your tool. It will slowly use up the XP to regenerate durability

Booktext: Some moss has grown on the worn out edges of your tool. Enchanting it with some XP causes it to fuse with the tool, restoring it gradually.

  • Stores XP picked up
  • Max. Amount stored increases with modifier level (100 XP / level)
  • Slowly repairs the tool over time (@ 2+Level)
  • Has to be in hotbar or offhand to repair
  • Multiple levels (Max 3)
  • Has to be in hand to 'intercept' experience orbs.
  • Each level increases durability regenerated while gathering XP.


" Ka-Boom!
You can break non-effective blocks like normal blocks, but they might get destroyed.

Booktext: Blow up all the blocks! Make them go away FAST! You can apply multiple levels to increase speed, but you probably lose all harvested blocks

  • Breaks blocks fast
  • AOE Tools harvest uneffective blocks too
  • Will likely destroy harvested blocks
  • Requires only 1 modifier
  • Multiple levels
  • Each level increase 33.33% blasting power.


  • TNT must be separated in 3 different slots.


" Shine bright!
Whenever it gets too dark your tool sacrifices a part of itself to light up your way.

Booktext: Some glowstone and a magical ender eye. Obviously this sees the light level.

  • Places a light source on low light level
  • Costs durability
  • Only applies once.


" Up up and away!
Hitting foes causes them to float away

Booktext: Empower your tool with the ability of a Shulker. Hit enemies to render them powerless in midair.

  • Each point increases floating duration
  • Causes enemies to float away
  • Hilarious
  • Single level
Levels: Each level costs one modifier:
  • Level 1: 0 to 50 - Float duration: 1.75s


" Yuck!
Entangle your foes in cobwebs, slowing them.

Booktext: All those sticky spider webs have to be good for something. Slow your enemies with them!

  • Each level increases slow duration
  • Slow-motion
  • Multi level
Levels: Each level costs one modifier and one Cobweb:
  • Webbed I:
  • Webbed II:
  • Webbed III:




" Something's fishy...
Attaching fins to the projectiles makes them travel like normal underwater.

Booktext: Let's take a fish... and strap it onto arrows. Of course! It makes them swim underwater! Now I can shoot stuff underwater!

  • Projectiles ignore water
  • Logical
  • Makes sense
  • Only applies once.


" Like magic, but better!
Embossed with the power of <ᴍᴀᴛᴇʀɪᴀʟ>, obtaining some of its traits.

Booktext: Take a tool part and emboss it onto the tool! It's like replacing the tool part, but better! The tool gets the traits of the part in addition to the already present ones (but not the stats).

  • Adds traits of another part
  • Traits are equal to swapping the part
  • The embossment is final and can't be changed
  • Requires no modifier
  • Only applies Once.

Non-Tinker's Construct Modifiers

Direct (EnderIO)

" It's mine, all mine!
Teleports mined things directly into your inventory.

Booktext: It's mine, all mine!

  • Teleports mined things directly into your inventory
  • Conflicts with the trait of the same name
  • Conflicts with Vanishing
  • Only applies once.

Amelioration (Tinkers' Addons)

" Auto-Repair like the Old Days.
You didn't realize you missed this, did you?
  • Your tools are repaired automatically in time.
Levels: Each level costs one modifier:
  • Amelioration I:
  • Amelioration II:
  • Amelioration III:
  • Amelioration IV:
  • Amelioration V:


Any further tool's levels are capped at 2147483647.

how to add more modifiers in tinkers construct 1.12.2


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