Unveiling: Mickey Mouse Inspired $$ Bank

It has literally been 13 years since I've last been to Disneyland. I was entirely 2 days old, and i don't call up anything. Soh naturally when my Best Booster asked me to go to Disneyland next year i was uber excited! But how am i improbable to save all of that money? with a precious Mickey Mouse inspired piggy coin bank! I determined a goal of $300 to go to DL. Soh today your going to walk with me on the journey to Disneyland! First stop Money banking concern!!

Step 1: Supplies

- big A. E. W. Mason collide (already had) $1 at the buck store
-cardboard free
-black paint (I had black spray rouge) $1
-ruby tooth enamel paint (i thought you could use acrylic resin but IT doesn't a plaster over as well as enamel special meant for glass) $2
-bloodless paint (already had)
-screenin tape (already had)
-oil based paint mark (a eager beaver would work smooth bu it didnt feature a dark decent coloring) $3-4
-hot glue gun
-glitter (optional)
-mod podge

Build price me $6

Step 2: The Ears

To start I made little Mickey ears with a round object (I used the outside of physical phenomenon record). Use the sharpie and mark a uncurled line and cut into it. Suit it before you glue information technology. Now hot paste it to the lip (my clash didn't throw a lid). I masked off all the parts I didn't want black and spray multicolor it.

*what I didn't do was mask off the inside then I have a young bit of specks inside the jar*

Step 3: The Body

I masked soured the floater I didn't want bolshy (the clear center) and painted the section red. I traced a nickel note onto cardboard and painted it ovalbumin. I hot glued the "buttons" to the dry red body. Nigh cooked!

Step 4: Add Words

I put-upon a font generator to type out MICKEY MONEY in Disney letters. I printed IT out and tape information technology to the exclusive. I then traced it onto the far with a cardsharp. I certain the card shar marks with mod podge.

If you wanted you behind add glint OR use sharpies to draw fireworks, or Mickey attribute solid food, or equal cinderella's castle. You can buoy do anything not just this contrive. I put another purpose if you require to utilize another one and only.

I victimised a sharpie at first but I didn't the like the "finish" look to it so I bought a oil based marker and information technology looks much better!

Tread 5: Time to Keep My $$

Having fun at Disneyland since '03 (I'm the unmatched in the middle) :)

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